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Welcome to candyl0ver.blogspot.com
Friday, April 29, 2011Y

I feel like blogging now. Dk why, just the sudden feeling of updating my life. HHAHAHA. Super hectic. Busy, stressful to a certain extent. Everyday is like how i studied for O levels. Yah, that bad. No longer like sec 5. Everyday go home still can sleep and watch tv then do homework. Now reach home must do hw immediately then by the time i finish,it's my sleeping time alr-10pm. hahaha. But i think i'll have to sleep later to revise my work alr. Haven't been passing my damn math. CA got 10/25. WHAT THE HELL OKAY. :( Damn sad. Geog also think can't pass. PI is stressing me out. :( wanna get over and done with, and quickly proceed with the rest of PW with group mates. Hope God give me good group mates luh. HAHHA. I'm having CO everyday this week. And the following week too. Till SYF is over. I think i better work hard cos i think i'll regret next time for not giving my all and best for CO. Seniors(that are of the same age as me. -.- ) are very nice, kind, understanding. God is really blessing me through the difficulties i face. It only depends whether i discover it and appreciate it. Praise the Lord, hallelujah.

ends at Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011Y

woooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am blogging again. I know this blog is ancient and dead, but idontcare. hahaha. hmm, jc life has been so-far-so-good for me. Not really good, but passable. HAHA. Failed math test, like terribly. :( I hope i don't retain. As homework and stress are starting to pile up, i started thinking if jc life was for me. I have been struggling before that to decide jc/poly. So idk if i've made the right choice. I have no confidence to get promoted, cos i haven't seen the full picture of JC1 life, but the things we are learning is making me so scared and all. I'm afraid that I can't cope. Esp with math&GP for now. I wonder what lies ahead of me. How much more stress i have to face. I wanna excel. I really do. Hope this time i can study hard and the results will show, unlike Os. It sucks, really.

ends at Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, December 30, 2010Y

Ahhhhhhh, time really flies. Especially when you are enjoying life-slacking. HAHAHHA. Started work for the second day already. :) It is really baddd. First day was the worst. Don't even know where to go, do what, where to get uniform, where to gather. Sigh, what a bad start. Nobody told us anything, how to go to the gathering place there. Walao. :( Lucky i did ushering from 7 plus to 10 plus for both days then clear plates and stuffs, not that tiring for my hand. But got separated from Jus today. She went to clear plates right from the start. :( Lucky this china girl talk to me, or i'll be bored to death. HAHA. Today was soo much better than first day at work. Like to work at station 5. The place not too big, Don't need walk so long. Haha. Manager suck like usual. Don't know is it all of them pms (even the guys) or what, start work then pms like siao. Tell the girl manager that someone is hurrying us for the bill, then come and show me attitude. WTH man. Damn ass lah. Manager big meh. Also like us, work as maid. HAHAHHAA. All the managers' temper super bad. Crazy lah, making a big fuss out of everything. Feel like throwing the plates on the floor and tell them 'I QUIT'. HAHA. So cool, if i ever do that, can't imagine how they will react. AHAHHAHA.

Hmm, a new year's gonna start, then comes my O level results. Don't know if i should look forward to it or not. HAHA. I really hope i can do well, don't wanna get not good and not lousy results. Like in the middle, then i can't decide whether wanna go jc or poly. Tsk. I really can't make up my mind. I know i have been repeating this over and over again, but i ram really worried which is the best way for me to study. :(

Ah, i wonder if next year will be a good one. Wonder what's in stall for me.

ends at Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010Y

TSKKKK. I typed a whole chunk of words the last time, but they didn't save the changes, so i had to re-type like the last paragraph. So i gave up. HAHA. Tomorrow's prom! Not really excited leh. Think I'll just sit at my seat there for most of the time. :( Yeah, actually there's nothing to be excited about eh. I was once excited. But as the date gets nearer, the lower my excitement. HAHA. I also don't know why like that. Tsk. It's getting real bored having to stay home all day. :( Got nothing to do eh. FACEBOOK IS UBER boring. So I've decided to blog something before my show starts at 8pm. That show is damn stupid, but I'm just gonna watch so that time will pass faster. :) Hmm, Bye,

ends at Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010Y

I'm coming online just to blog. Have the sudden feeling to pour everything out, since I can't tell anyone how i feel. All right. Here it goes.

Was having the afternoon math session and teacher gave us the ws for proportion. I knew i was weak for that topic, but still tried. Okay, what hit me was, my mock exam paper 2 only got 51. At first Ms liang put 51/80 so i was like okay. At least i passed, even though those people's math are lousier than me got much better results. But i just knew that it was supposed to be upon 100. In other words, I just passed. It's barely just a PASS. What the hell. All these while i was working so hard for my math, staying back everyday till 6 and coming back to school from mon to wed, and this is what i get from my results. I listen in class, I did every homework that was given. What, what the freaking hell is wrong. It feels as if all my damn efforts have gone to waste. What is this man. I was literally fighting back my tears during that math lesson. Not only because of my super lousy results, but also because I can't do the proportion ws. Like out of 6 questions, I only know how to do 2. I was really wondering what I have been doing these while. As if staying back everyday for math everyday and spending so much time revising for math was not enough. I feel really useless. Seriously. Idk how to express how I really feel now. It's like every hope and dream is beginning to collapse. I no longer know how to set a target for myself. My current results is not getting me anywhere. At all. Wtf.

ends at Monday, October 11, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010Y

HI, I know no one is reading, so I'm gonna blog. :) Have been sooo tired the past few days. It is only the first week of school eh. Everytime reach home at 4 plus, then got so little time to study. :( Plus I am always too tired to concentrate studying man. I think i can even sleep reading halfway luh. Tsk, when will school stop ending so late. I need time to study. Cos I always stone. :( I need to do well. I must do well. Cos idk where to go, so i need good grades to decide. HAHA. Idk what logic this is, but i must do well. Just like how i did for N levels. I hope i can, though. HAHA. :) Bye,

ends at Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010Y

I am so glad that God actually put me in NA stream. In the past, i didn't know what his plans for me was. And i kept asking him why did he put me in this stream. Now i know. My sis is my motivation. Cos she keeps studying, so i dont wanna lose to her in a way, so i also study. Although not as hard as her, but at least i couldn't have done better without her motivation. If i were to walk through this journey alone, i think i couldn't have made it. Indeed, his plans are not made to harm me, but prosper me. Time will eventually prove everything that he has actually planned for us. The best plan for us. I hope i'll do well for Os.

ends at Thursday, September 09, 2010